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Havanese Breed Information

Havanese are mischievous, playful little dogs and considered native to Cuba. They take their name from the city of Havana. It's believed that the Havanese were originally brought to Cuba during colonial times from the Spanish island of Tenerife and seem to have been popular with the Cuban aristocracy which developed them.
Cuba's tropical climate played an important role in the development of Havanese dogs. Their coat, in particular, is unique to the breed. It is lightweight and protects him from the heat, but the texture is never wooly or harsh. The Havanese coat has been compared to raw silk. Havanese dogs have been called the Havana Silk Dog and even the Spanish Silk Poodle. The coat is profuse but light and soft. The Havanese dog's head furnishings also protect his eyes from the tropical sun.
The Havanese dog has for centuries been the pampered lapdog of Cuba's aristocracy but these are hardy little dogs which also make wonderful family pets. Besides their natural role of companion, Havanese have also been watchdogs, playmates for children and even herded their families' small poultry flocks. Above all, Havanese dogs make a great family dog, a toy dog but sturdy and never fragile.
Physically, this dog doesn't look like any other dog. Havanese dogs are between 8 1/2 to 11 1/2 inches tall at the withers with the ideal being between 9 and 10 1/2 inches. 
Havanese weigh between 7 and 13 pounds. These dogs are rectangular in outline rather than square.
White, cream, champagne, black, black and tan, blue, gold, chocolate, parti-color and
A Havanese dog's expression should be soft and intelligent. Havanese dogs should appear more mischievous than cute.  They have dark brown, large, almond-shaped eyes that are set rather widely apart. Havanese dogs should have good dark pigment on their nose, lips and eye rims. A scissors bite is ideal.
They have hair, not fur, are non-shedding with little pet dander, and are odorless. 
Havanese dogs should have straight top line with no dips but their top line is distinctive because it slopes upward toward their rear. Their tail is set high and plumed with long, silky hair. The tail is carried arched over the back but not tightly curled.
For more information about this breed, see
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available hav born 12-21-11 female 001
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